Welcome to Dr. K´s Tattoo Tutorial online !
I´m glad that you found me and my Tattoo website! I love to connect with everyone who has the dream to make a living as a professional Tattoo Artist!
Take your time and stroll through all the info and lessons, I offer…
learn tattooing with my premium tattoo tutorial
BEGINNERs Lessons:
45 Video Lessons including 30-days linework skills training program & certificate
Online Self Paced
Learn how to make neat and solid Linework and set the fundament for your successful Tattoo Career with ease.
Build up your Linework Skills from scratch with my unique TRAINING PROGRAM….
56 Video Lessons including 15-days packing skills and 15-days shading skills training program & certificate
Online Self Paced
Here you will learn how to make solid packed spots and smooth shadings.
Let´s build up your packing and shading skills easily with my unique TRAINING PROGRAMS…
learn tattooing with my tattoo tutorial
Weekly discussion & explanation of different tattoo styles
Online Self Paced
Every week, I discuss and explain a recent tattoo work of mine. I pick as many different tattoo styles as possible, for you to maximize your learning results.
In this part, I focus on how I prepared the design, what needles and inks I use, and how I proceeded during the tattooing process.
16 Video Lessons on how to create tattoo designs
Online Self Paced
As you get better and better with regard to the tattoo techniques, it´s time to focus on building an also very important skill: being able to create beautiful tattoo designs.
In this part, I will show you how I create different sorts of designs with my pc (using corel draw) as well as on the I pad pro and with a pencil and a lightboard.
7 Video Lessons (real time tattooing, 7 hours session)
Online Self Paced
Watch me tattoo a Realistic black´n Grey piece (Tiger). First I´ll explain how I prepared the design and the stencil. Then You will watch the full 7 hours, that I needed to tattoo this piece. I comment everything I do and you will learn exactly how I did this tattoo.
FREE Lessons & other helpful stuff :
(FREE Lesson) Making a durable stencil
Check out my review of 4 kinds of stencil paper, which I use on a daily basis & how you can make a solid and durable stencil…
(FREE Download) eBook
download my new eBook “8 simple tricks, that will improve your results with learning how to tatttoo immediately”
Dr. K introduces himself
Learn more about me and my backround. How I learned tattooing, and why I decided to set up this video tutorial…
Learn From Home at an affordable rate
Everyone who seriously wants to learn tattooing, deserves a chance to do so…
Which is why I made the rate as affordable as possible. I know that an apprenticeship in a tattoo shop (which usually means paying a 5.000 to 20.000 US $ fee to your mentor) is something that most people cannot afford. Most weekly courses at tattoo schools range from 1.000 US $ 5.000 US $, which will also blow many peoples budget. Another advantage of my tutorial is, that you don´t have to give up your job in the first place or take vacation.
With my tattoo tutorial, you can learn tattooing part-time at your own pace.
My Tattoo Tutorial Saver package is available for just US $ 49 per month. You can simply cancel it at the end of each month, just writing one email.
And for a limited time, you can get access to all 113 PREMIUM video lessons (including certificate) for FREE in my 7-Day-TRIAL-Package :
Frequently asked questions
Do I have to meet certain requirements to become a tattoo artist?
- in most countries, tattoo artist ist not an officially trained profession
- Anyone who registers a tattooing business may practise the profession of tattoo artist. No certificate or other proof of qualification is required.
- however, the participants of the tattoo tutorial receive a CERTIFICATE for each part of the tutorial, which documents the participation in the tutorial and its contents (downloadable after passing a small exam)
What opportunities are there in general to learn how to tattoo and become a tattoo artist?
- full-time apprenticeship in a tattoo shop: duration 1 -3 years. Only very few tattoo shops offer this possibility at all, therefore it is very difficult to achieve an apprenticeship . Most shops charge a training fee of 5,000 to 20,000 US $, which must be paid at the beginning of the apprenticeship.
- weekly course: Some tattoo shops or private tattoo schools offer a crash course that runs for a week or a few days. These courses cost around 1,000 to 5,000 US $.
- Tattoo Tutorial online: you can do it at home and at any time you like. It costs § 49 per month (as long as you want to keep it) and covers everything you need to learn to become a Tattoo Artist: Linework, color packing & shading, as well as equipment & sanitation
- Self-educational, without any professional guidance: does not cost anything, but most people give up very quickly due to the poor learning results.
Is this really beginner friendly?
- Yes it is. You do not need to have any experience to start with the tutorial, because it will build your skills from scratch
- however, many of my students were advanced beginners when they started my tutorial, and found it very helpful nonetheless
What are the requirements to participate in the online tutorial?
- To watch the tutorial videos you need internet access and a computer, tablet or smartphone
- you will need tattoo equipment for practicing, which I will describe in detail in the tutorial
- There are no age restrictions
- You should be able to practice at least on hour per day
What is the structure of the tutorial like?
- the access to the tutorial is not limited in time. You can watch all videos as often and as long as you like, as long as your subscription is valid
- The course has three major parts.
- Part I: Lining
- Part II: Shading & Color packing
- Part III: Equipment and Sanitation
- In total, the Tutorial contains 114 lessons with over 600 minutes of video material. While tattooing I filmed myself with the head camera and commented and explained everything I do… so you really won't miss any tips and tricks
- If you have no subsciption, you can only open those lessons marked with (TEST ACCESS)
- After subcribing, you log into the same member area, but can then access all PREMIUM lessons.
How much do you charge for the tattoo tutorial?
- You get access to all 113 PREMIUM video lesson for $ 49 per month. When you are done learning, you can just cancel your subscription. (possible every month, no strings attached)
With having someone in mind, who never hold a tattoo maschine in their hand before, I designed my tutorial as a no-brainer step-by-step guide, leaving out not one single detail.
In case you already started practicing by yourself, my tutorial will be the missing link to perfecting your techniques and answer all the questions you have by now.
Learn at your own pace
The tutorial is designed in away that allows You to work through all 113 lessons in 60 to 80 days, presumed you can spend 1 -2 hours per day practicing.
However, you an take as much time as you need. As premium user, you can watch every video lesson whenever and how often you want and will be granted lifetime access to all lessons.
Become a professional
After you finished my tutorial, you will will have gained my 7-year-professional-knowledge within several weeks / month. After passing 3 online Exams, your personal Certificate will be enabled for download.
I will reveal my strategy for a fast entry in the tattooing business, wether it be building a costumer base or get hired at a local tattoo parlor.
What My Students Say
Hi Dr K,

Stratos S.
premium user (tattoo tutorial saver package)

I Learnt so much here. Wish I had found the tutorial earlier. Phenomenal value for money, and really improved my linework skills a lot. !

premium user (tattoo tutorial saver package)

hey, just want to let you know that I followed every step in your program and it worked out exactly as you said …
I noticed major improvement in my skills and managed to build a decent customer base in the last 3 month… right now I am planning the next step of giving up my old job and make a living as tattoo artist…Thanks for helping me livin the dream !

josh h.
premium user (tattoo tutorial saver package)
Get Access to my Premium Tattoo Courses Today!
During the last 5 years, I have trained roundabout 95 people in my Tattoo parlor in Germany.
Because of this experience I know what beginners need to train the hand-eye-coordination and how to explain the techniques in a way that a beginner can understand and apply them.
Unlike other online tutorials, You are getting not only very comprehensive step-by-step instructions…
You will also get my unique training programs, that I developed specifically to build your tattooing skills from scratch.
Take your chance and see for yourself how easy it can be to learn how to tattoo.
Hurry to take advantage of my $0 – 7-Day TRIAL , so it´s 100% risk-free for you.